Friday, September 19, 2014

From whale spouts to eagles wings: exploring Oregon.

From whale spouts to eagles wings: exploring Oregon.

When my parents talked to me about a graduation trip, my mind immediately went to London. My three month study abroad there made me fall in love with England. I wanted to go back. I wanted to explore Scotland again and the tiny little towns that hold the character and beauty of the English countrysi ...

The IMF’s New Cold War Loan to Ukraine

Exclusively in the new print issue of CounterPunch SHOCK AND AWE OVER GAZA — Jonathan Cook reports from the West Bank on How the Media and Human Rights Groups Cover for Israel’s War Crimes; Jeffrey St. Clair on Why Israel is Losing; Nick Alexandrov on Honduras Five Years After the Coup; Joshua Frank ...

스코틀랜드의 분리 독립 핵심은 종교문제

영국은 유럽의 동북지역에 있는 브리튼섬과 부속제도들로 이루어진 나라이다 영국이라고 부르는 나라는 England, Scotland, Wales, 그리고 Northern Ireland. 등 4 나라의 연합왕국이다 본래 이 땅은 켈트족이 살던 곳인데 , 로마가 쳐들어와서 이 땅을 정복했다 . 로마가 지배하는 동안 별일 없던 이 땅에 로마가 쇠퇴하고 인근의 스칸디나비아 지방에 살던 앵글로 - 색슨족 ( 현 잉글랜드 국민의 조상 ) 이 쳐들어 오면서 원주민인 켈트족은 살기 좋은 평야지역 ( 현 잉글랜드 지역 ) 을 내버리고 산세가 험해 살기 ...

Self-doubt almost ruined Jim

Jim McGuinness revealed he had to overcome crippling self-doubt and a severe lack of confidence to become an All-Ireland-winning manager.

Road snapshot: Digging Dale’s Potatoes in Littleton, Maine

Sept. 18, Houlton, Maine – I was disappointed not to have plunged into the heart of the North Maine Woods, but I knew I better get the hell out of Aroostook County soon. I drove south on U.S. Route 1 from Presque Isle. The surrounding landscape was dominated by umber waves of undulating fields which ...

My Top Picks From Urban Outfitters (Europe)

Hey guys, so as I said I would in my last post, I am showing you my top picks from Urban Outfitters (Europe). I don't know if would ever buy any of these because they are super, super expensive. But if we were living in a dream world and money was no object, then this would be the items that I would ...

Bruton calls for Redmond Home Rule monument (‘Living for Ireland is preferable to dying for Ireland’)

As predicted, the war is continuing, and shows no sign of abating. By “war”, I mean the ongoing battle over interpretation of Ireland’s past, and how and whether certain historical figures deserve particular attention and commemoration.

St. Louis Attorney to Become U.S. Ambassador to Ireland

WASHINGTON (KMOX) - The U.S. Senate has confirmed St. Louis attorney Kevin O’Malley as U.S. Ambassador to Ireland. O’Malley is a member of the law firm Greensfelder, Hemker and Gale in St. Louis. Senator Claire McCaskill said “Kevin will make ...

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