Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ireland : RED Hat acquires Waterford software firm FeedHenry for 63.5m

Ireland : RED Hat acquires Waterford software firm FeedHenry for 63.5m

The Waterford-based mobile software company, FeedHenry, has been purchased for 63.5m in cash by Red Hat, a US multinational software firm. The deal will see numerous shareholders benefit, counting chief executive Cathal McGloin and other management in the ...

Ireland : STRATEGIC Cooperation Agreement with Baidu declared by Seagate [TendersInfo (India)]

(TendersInfo (India) Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Seagate has declared that it has inked a strategic cooperation agreement with Baidu--China s leading web services firm in the industries of low-cost online storage, archiving, and Big Data analysis.

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