I live in N Ireland, but I'm a few miles from the border so my phone network is O2 Ireland. If I get a BlackBerry will I be charged extra for sending BBMs when I'm at home?
Land Phones - 1 Answers
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Not sure if you are saying that O2 RoI is the network you have a SIM for (but live in N.I.), or if you have a SIM for a N.I. network but are currently register on O2 RoI? If the network you are registered on is NOT the one you have a SIM for, then yes, you will be charged extra, because you will be treated as having been roamed at the time. If you have a poor signal for your N.I. network, I suggest you try and establish whether or not you get a better signal from one of the other N.I. networks, then port your number to that network. [It may be a case of buying cheap PAYG SIMs, and trying them in a handset to see which gives you better signal strength, before deciding which network to port to] Has this only just started happening? [Your local cell site may be down, due to maintenance, upgrade, vandalism, lost power or connection to the network (e.g. JCB sliced through an underground cable)] You can respond to points raised above by updating your question using the "Additional Details" button. Incidentally, you posted this in Land Phones - Mobile Phones & Plans would have been a better category to get an answer :-D
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