Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Is it Well with Your Soul?

Is it Well with Your Soul?

Haratio Spafford underwent trials that I could barely begin to understand. He was a father of 5. But, during the late 1800s it was not uncommon for children to get sick and die from a variety of illnesses that doctors today are much better prepared for. His first and only son died while still yet a ...

and the boys are back blogging .....

The boys are finally back blogging after what seems like a very long summer ... Mom wasn't well ... Clive wasn't well .... Murray wasn't happy .... But finally the weeks of rest worked for anyone and Mom is nearly fully better again, Clive recovered from another nasty lump on his back and Murray is ...

Britain's Best Wildlife Photos Of The Year

The winners of the British Wildlife Photography Awards were revealed on Monday. "The Awards celebrate both the work of amateur and professional photographers and the beauty and diversity of British wildlife," the organization said on its website. The winning images in 16 different categories were ch ...

Amandha, never miss an opportunity with our Android app

Get the free app now New opportunities, always within reach. Get the LinkedIn Android app and make the most of your professional opportunities, wherever you are. Get the app Stay connected to your network, on the go Manage your professional identity Never miss out on career opportunities Get the app ...

2 September, 2014 15:07

Warm & dry Broken cloud Wednesday With high pressure building in across the United Kingdom, for much of the country it’s going to be a fair, dry day to come and a warmer one as well. There may be some locally dense fog patches across central, southern and north eastern parts of England at first this ...


Our 2014 Irish Raffles winners are, for the 12th year in a row, not me! They are these lucky people: 1st Prize-Trip to Ireland: Hannah Ivanuska of Roeland Park, KS 2nd Prize- Boulevard Tasting Party: Matthew Carmichael of Holt, MO 3rd Prize- Snug memberships for 2015: Jenni Hodge of Overland Park, K ...

Qual’è il posto che tra questi vi piacerebbe vedere assolutamente almeno una volta nella vita?

10. Foresta di Hallerbos – Belgio 9. Padley Gorge – Peak District, Regno Unito 8. Spencer Smith Park – Burlington, Ontario, Canada 7. Rhododendron Tunnel, Reenagross Park – Kenmare, Ireland 6. Primavera a Woodburn, Oregon, USA 5. Hitachi Seaside Park Path – Giappone 4. Alba invernale – Parco naziona ...


Source This past week I have pretty much marathoned 2 seasons of Vikings, a drama series on the History channel. I didn't think it would be as good as Game of Thrones but quite honestly I love it just as much. It follows the escapades of Ragnar Lodbrok and his village, discovering that there is land ...

Tony Heffernan Discusses Parliamentary Party ‘Think-Ins’

There are certain rituals that herald the end of the Irish summer and the arrival of autumn. There is the Rose of Tralee Festival, the All Ireland Finals and – in recent years, anyway – what the media like to refer to as the annual ‘think-ins’ of the various parliamentary parties. On 15 th and 16 th ...

Too close to call in the Scottish referendum on 18 September 2014.

As we get closer to the wire the latest You Gov opinion poll in The Times today puts the Better Together campaign just ahead at 53% and For Independence vote presently at 47%, but if you consider the psephologists margin of error of plus or minus of 2% it could be as close as - 49% to 51% or alterna ...

Three Ireland announces 160 job cuts

One of the country's leading phone and telecoms operators has announced 160 job cuts on the back of its acquisition of a major rival. Three Ireland is seeking the redundancies after taking over O2 Ireland in a €780 million deal which it had previously ...

Gov Liyel Imoke glitters in Ireland

DUBLIN- IT was twin honour for the Governor of Cross River State, Senator Liyel Imoke, last weekend, as he bagged two high-status International Awards at the Nigerian Carnival Ireland, NCI, in Dublin, the capital and largest city of Ireland.

Ireland: Politicians Call for Referendum to Legalize Abortion on Demand

Abortion advocates exploited the Savita case to open the door to legalizing abortion in Ireland and now they are using another controversial case to push the door open even further. To calls to legalize abortion on demand follow on the heels of a case in ...

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