Our Heroes of the Faith
We just got back from a month of training in Colorado. I have to tell you about some people I met. For about a month my family lived in the same building as fifteen or so other missionary families. I’ll just highlight some of them here so you can see why I’m so encouraged/impressed. These people are ...
Face to Face with Gang Terror: Information for writers with Valerie O'Brian
Autobiographical article by Valerie O'Brian What is it like to come face to face with a criminal? I have faced this obstacle, time and time again. As a reporter and freelance journalist, I have encountered some of the worlds leading gangland criminals. I have spoken, dined, and even loved some of th ...
On Immigration
Remember when Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, except for those brown-skinned Spanish-speaking children from south of the Rio Grande”? Yea, me neither. But you’d pressed hard-pressed to find any among the Republican Tea Party crowd who don’t believe (or at ...
Mistrovstvi Evropy Veteranu 2014 - Izmir,Turecko - 1500m, 800m
22.-31.8.2014 Vrchol sezóny ... Rok 2013 mi vůbec nevyšel a nezúčastnil jsem se žádné vrcholné veteránské souteže kdy cílem mělo být Mistrovství světa v brazilském Porto Alegru. Ani tento rok příprava nebyla ideální a v tréninku jsem se hodně omezoval, jen abych mohl v Izmíru závodit. Ke svým hlavní ...
In Ireland, you still don’t have to pay your mortgage
Ireland’s economy seems to be getting back onto its feet. After a fourth-quarter contraction, GDP grew at a 2.7% clip in the first quarter. Home prices are rising again. And unemployment continues to decline steadily, though it remains higher than 11%.
Ireland's surging tax take eases deficit, augurs better 2015 budget after 6 years of austerity
DUBLIN – Ireland's Finance Department says tax collections from a growing economy are unexpectedly strong and have put the country on course to achieve normal deficit levels after six years of austerity. Tuesday's figures recorded a January-August ...
Ireland and America – a two billion year relationship
What are the true roots of Ireland’s relationship with America? Most of us, if asked this question, would immediately begin to answer it in terms of the human connections between these two lands, swiftly tracing a line backwards in time from, perhaps ...