Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Loughrea win All-Ireland

Loughrea win All-Ireland

Galway’s Loughrea GAA club were crowned winners of the 15th annual All-Ireland GAA Golf Challenge at Waterford Castle Golf Club. Led by former Galway defender Greg Kennedy, the club saw off the challenge of Clare outfit Clooney-Quin to claim the title ...

Ireland urged to do more for its vulnerable population

A leading German policy foundation has called on Ireland to do more to boost opportunities for its vulnerable population instead of retaining a narrow focus on economic growth. In a survey of social justice in Europe, Germany’s Bertelsmann Foundation ...

Mark Greyland Needs Your Help

Mark Greyland, aka the son of Marion Zimmer Bradley, needs your help. He’s currently in the hospital; he entered the ICU with diabetic ketoacidosis a few days ago. Thankfully, he’s been pulling through, though he is still in the hospital. Here’s what he needs help with: Housing in a sane, stable, sa ...

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Madre! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I loved the Hump Day package so much. Honestly, I can't get over how great it was, so thoughtful. The shirt is hilarious. I think it's a new favorite. Plus thanks for putting all that hard work into getting the pictures from everyone. I miss them all so much. ...

Sponsored – A’ Design Awards & Competition – Call for Entries

A’ Design Awards is a premier annual juried design competition that honors the best designers, architects, engineers, design studios and design-oriented companies worldwide to provide them publicity, fame, and recognition. Every year, projects that focus on innovation, technology, design, and creati ...

California just banned free plastic bags. Hold the rejoicing.

Last month, California became the first state to pass a bill banning the ubiquitous disposable plastic bag. If signed into law, the measure will prohibit grocery and retail stores from providing single-use plastic bags and require them to charge at least 10 cents for paper bags, compostable bags, an ...

The Forced Adoption Scandal that shames Britain

If you thought for one minute that Britain is really as it appears to be, you’re very sadly mistaken. Beneath the pomp and pageantry lies a network of paedophilic depravity, so vile and despicable, it literally beggars belief. From the Elm Guest House scandal to North Wales care home abuse via Dolph ...

U2 BE GONE! Apple Offers 1 Click Removal After Complaints Mount

The hipster uproar after Apple downloaded a free copy of U2's new album to all iTunes accounts, apparently reached Cupertino. Or perhaps it made it to Ireland were Bono and U2 demanded a response. Either way Apple has created a web page that facilitates one-click instant removal from your iTunes lib ...

No Sound Without Silence: The Script - review

My oh my do I love this band. The Script are a band that I cannot tire of and I could honestly listen to forever. It's kind of strange because I'll always end up listening to music by other artists much more, but then one of their songs will come on shuffle and I'll just feel so secure, like it's a ...


The drive from Dublin to our destination in Northern Ireland took most of the day. We got to Bainbridge outside Belfast at lunchtime so found a parking area where a gentleman gave us his time ticket so we did not have to pay. We found a tourist office and then a deli to have lunch. Our final drive t ...


We flew from Dublin to Rome last Sat. On Friday night we were out at a wonderful restaurant in Dublin, Trocadero, with Richard, Niall, Carina, Petrina and Mom. Didn't get back to our hotel room until 1:30am and we had to get up at 4am for a 7am flight. After our week in Ireland our livers need detox ...

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