I would like some phone numbers or websites etc Thanks
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you can't figure that out, you probably aren't Harvard material.
2 :
Here is what Harvard says http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/international/index.html
3 :
You have to take SAT II (Subject Test), in which you'll take biology, math and english, if you wanna be a med doctor. Don't mind the other fools! Everyone needs a little help once in a while! Haters!!!
4 :
Every school has its own procedure, but here's basically what you need to do to apply to Harvard or any US college: 1) Complete an application (you can often find this at the colleges' website). More information: http://www.universitylanguage.com/guides/how-to-fill-out-a-college-or-us-universit-application/ 2) Take standardized tests, such as the ACT or SAT. These are offered around the world. More information: http://www.universitylanguage.com/guides/SAT-vs-ACT-Testing-for-College/ 3) Get a student visa. More information: http://www.universitylanguage.com/guides/required-documents-for-getting-a-us-student-visa/ You can also check out this blog specifically for students who are studying or want to study in the US: http://www.universitylanguage.com/blog/ Good luck!!!
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