I want to find out how much a Military pilot would get paid in either a month or a year. Please give answe in euros not dollars pounds etc.
Aircraft - 2 Answers
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1 :
Depends what you are doing. In the RAF you'll get around £33k a year (41k euros) for a pilot role.
2 :
It depends on: - Country - Rank - Time in service/time in grade Without copying a pay chart, here's an example: In the US a Captain/O3 with 5 years in, the most common grade of pilot in the USAF and USN, gets ABOUT $4400/month plus $120/month subsistence allowance and about $450/month flight pay = $4970/month, or about $59640/yr. This doesn't include any housing allowance(s) he/she may qualify for. It's not as much as most people wish to believe. I did the hard part, you'll have to do the conversion
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