Thursday, May 21, 2009

What is my nationality if I am Russian and live in Ireland permanently

What is my nationality if I am Russian and live in Ireland permanently?
People in Ireland (especially Irish) often ask what is my nationality. I generally avoid this question because saying that I am Russian makes me stand out as different. Having lived in Ireland for seven years and saying that I am from Russia people in Ireland immediately think like I am just two hours came from airport. Would it be more reasonable to say that I am from Ireland or naturalized Irish or Irish and Russian at least, which is better, any comments?
Other - Ireland - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It doesn't matter where you live, you'll always be Russian.
2 :
Its Russian. People will just have to get used to the change.
3 :
Say your Russian, and you've been living here for 7 years. There is no point saying your Irish when your not. Whats wrong with standing out and being different? If you want people to know you've been here a while throw in a few colloquials into your speech, such as 'grand', 'thanks a million','whats the craic' etc etc.....and that should make anyone know you've been here a while. Some of the Polish I know nearly sound as Dublin as me, and some of them probably haven't been here for 7 years yet.
4 :
5 :
say that you are russian but have been living in ireland for seven years now. if you live in ireland for the majority of your life but were born in russia then you're forever russian hope you like it here =]
6 :
Russian my friend, but you are also Irish. I consider myself Irish/Belgian even though its my G Grandparents who were from there.
7 :
I have Irish citizenship.I lived in Ireland for 14 years and I always saw myself as an Australian and will always be Australian,just the same way as my husband and children and I now live in Australia and my husband and children will always be Irish.
8 :
Sounds like you're Russian Irish! You'll always be Russian, but if you've naturalised then you're Irish too and the more you throw in colloquialisms and work on the accent, the less people will ask. I once came across a barman in Prague who I'd have sworn from his accent was a Dub, but it turned out he was Czech!
9 :
your nationality is Irish, only if you are an irish citizen, but your ethnicity is always going to be russian.
10 :
You are Russian.Nothing wrong with that.
11 :
hello !! I'm Irish and Russian people live on my road and i always say well to them is Russian lol but any way ...em id call u Irish but Ur from Russia if u have children id Defo call them Irish but yeah i love Russian Ppl dey Gd liken too Lol !!!:) eh so whatever u wanna be if u wanna be called Irish or Russian u pick Lol !!:))))
12 :
Your are Russian, you were born there that's what nationality you are. When you get your citizenship here in ireland, you will be classified as an irish citizen. So Irish/Russian. What ever you want. Anyway, who cares what ppl think, chin up and be proud of who you are regardless of your nationality. x x =) Flame.

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