Sunday, October 7, 2012

How is Ireland to live and work

How is Ireland to live and work?
Well, i'm spaniard girl, 23, and maybe i'm going to do my practical skills in ireland, i dont know the city or village yet, but i wonder to go there!!, but i would like to know if anybody has done an erasmsu tehre, how is the life there, we're gonig to work in some company, but please answer me, i hope ypu understand my English!! THANKSS
Other - Ireland - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's a grand place to live in. We're not sure about the working though, as we're a couple of farmers and we're on permanent setaside...
2 :
I'd definitely recommend Ireland, especially if it's anywhere outside Dublin. Even Dublin's OK but it's a bit harder to find someone to converse with in english there as people tend to be much more approachable and friendly in smaller cities and towns around Ireland. I've just returned form working in Madrid and had the pleasure of meeting loads of Spanish people, the vast majority of who were so friendly and helpful! I think there is definitely an affinity between the Spanish and Irish which is hard to match elsewhere in Europe. If you have your work already organised then definitely go for it! From what I've heard Ireland is the best place to practice English, probabily because Irish people like to talk so much! No te preocupes, tu inglés es muy bueno. ^¡Mirada, mi español es muy terrible! Inglés no hay problema para ti, yo creo. ¡Buena Suerte y que vaya bien en Irlanda!
3 :
there is a drop in jobs in ireland at the min... all stemin from the credit crunch... I live in the north of ireland tho...
4 :
Dublin is okay, but much more expensive than the rest of the country. People are not as inclined to talk to strangers as they used to be in Dublin either! I'd recommend going to any of the cities outside of Dublin, and don't worry about the accent, you will get used to it very quickly. I've known a few people who were in the Eramus exchange, and they enjoyed it very much.

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